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What actions/behaviors are specifically occurring as a result of the problem? Again, clarity and succinctness are key.

What actions/behaviors are specifically occurring as a result of the problem? Again, clarity and succinctness are key..

APA format (12pt times new roman, double spaced, no spacing between paragraphs)

300 words (or enough to accurately answer all points below)

minimum of 2 peer reviewed resources

Topic:  A study to determine the factors that leads to people with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy cases have increased chances of involving in violent or criminal behaviors in the community. 


Problem Statement

 – A description of the situation in a short paragraph (no more than 3–4 sentences), addressing the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where and Why) of your proposed study. Be clear and concise.

 – State the problem and why it is important to study.

 – What actions/behaviors are specifically occurring as a result of the problem? Again, clarity and succinctness are key.


What actions/behaviors are specifically occurring as a result of the problem? Again, clarity and succinctness are key.


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